Discounts 2025
According to the Foral Budget Standard 2023 of Gipuzkoa, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has launched a new Discount Plan for its high capacity Road Network for 2023.
There are several types of discounts depending on the type of vehicle (heavy or light) and what it is used for (collective passenger transport, freight or autonomous use linked to an economic activity or for private use).
Heavy vehicles (V.P.)

Light vehicles (V.L.)

The following is required in order to be eligible for all of these:
- To be a holder of a compatible VIA-T TAG device.
- For this device to be linked with a number plate. One device = one number plate.
- To apply for registration and provide BIDEGI with the documentation and details required in each case.
Heavy vehicles (Max. authorised weight over 3500kg.) that may be eligible for discounts for roads usage fees in Gipuzkoa for the freight category.


There are two types of discounts for this category:
EURO emission category fee amount
- Electric, hybrid and gas-powered vehicles:
25% DISCOUNT on the fee - 6 EURO category vehicle:
20% DISCOUNT on the fee. - 5 EURO category vehicle:
15% DISCOUNT on the fee.
Roads where applicable
- AP-1/AP-8
- AP-636
- N-I/A-15
From which date?
- AP-1/AP-8: From October 2023. However, it will be retroactive to the date when the full documentation required is validated. Maximum of 1 month from receipt of application for the same. This will be payable at the end of the month, from the 1st of the month following application for the same.
- AP-636 and N-I/A-15: From January 2023, it is applied directly, reducing the fee payable, from the date on which the complete documentation required is validated. Maximum 1 month from receipt of the request.
Regular use discount. Heavy
- Between the 21st and the 50th trip: 10% DISCOUNT.
- 51st trip and beyond: 13% DISCOUNT.
- These discount percentages will be applied to the result of the motorisation modulation discount.
- Trips will be calculated independently for each road and will be applied on the road(s) where the defined travel volume has been reached.
- In order to apply the discounts, trips will be calculated according to their chronological order, where entering and leaving a toll system is understood as one trip.
Roads where applicable
- AP-1/AP-8
- AP-636
- N-I/A-15
From which date?
- From October 2023.
- This will be payable at the end of the month, from the 1st of the month following application for the same.
Eligibility for the discount
- Be registered in BIDEGI. To complete and sign the registration agreement.
- Valid driving licence or equivalent document for the vehicle to be linked.
- Vehicle data sheet indicating the typ of EURO emission of the vehicle and the activity for which it is intended. *
- Documentation proving the ownership of a TAG electronic payment device (VIA-T) to link it to the vehicle number plate.
- Be up to date with payment of the infrastructure fee to BIDEGI.
* If you do not have an emission class EURO 5 or higher, you can only apply for the frecuency discount. To do so, please contact Customer Service (info@bidegi.eus).
- Compliance with the requirements must be maintained throughout the discount period.
- The payment corresponding to the discount by frequency and amount in the EURO category of the AP-1/AP-8 motorways will be made on the TAG telematic payment device (VIA-T) linked to your vehicle in the application.
Vehicles that can qualify for discounts on the use fee on roads in Gipuzkoa for the passenger transport category for heavy vehicles (max. authorised weight over 3,500 kg) intended for the transport of more than 8 passengers in addition to the driver:


There are two types of discounts for this category:
Reduction for buses and coaches
- 50% on fees from the first journey.
Roads where applicable
- AP-1/AP-8
- AP-636
From which date?
- From October 2023.
- From October 2023. However, this will be backdated to the calendar month following the date when the complete valid documentation required has been submitted.
Regular use discount. Heavy
- Between the 21st and the 50th trip: 10% DISCOUNT.
- 51st trip and beyond: 13% DISCOUNT.
- These discount rates will be applied to the resulting rate obtained after the corresponding reduction has been applied.
- Trips will be calculated independently for each road and will be applied on the road(s) where the defined travel volume has been reached.
- In order to apply the discounts, trips will be calculated according to their chronological order, where entering and leaving a toll system is understood as one trip.
Roads where applicable
- AP-1/AP-8
- AP-636
From which date?
- From October 2023.
- This will be payable at the end of the month, from the 1st of the month following application for the same.
Eligibility for the discount
- Be registered in BIDEGI. To complete and sign the registration agreement.
- Valid driving licence or equivalent document for the vehicle to be linked.
- Technical record of the vehicle to be hooked, specifying the activity for wich it is intended.
- Documentation proving the ownership of a TAG electronic payment device (VIA-T) to link it to the vehicle number plate.
- Be up to date with payment of the infrastructure fee to BIDEGI.
- Compliance with the requirements must be maintained throughout the discount period.
- The payment corresponding to the reduction and frequency discount will be made on the TAG telematic payment device (VIA-T) linked to your vehicle in the application.
Vehicles that can qualify for discounts on the use fee on roads in Gipuzkoa for the professional use category for light vehicles (max. authorised weight of up to 3,500 kg):


Enterprise vehicles

Professional Light Discount
- Between the 21st and the 50th trip: 10% DISCOUNT.
- 51st trip and beyond: 13% DISCOUNT.
- Trips will be calculated independently for each road and will be applied on the road(s) where the defined travel volume has been reached.
- In order to apply the discounts, trips will be calculated according to their chronological order, where entering and leaving a toll system is understood as one trip.
- The payment corresponding to the discounts will be made on the TAG telematic payment device (VIA-T) linked to your vehicle in the application.
Roads where applicable
- AP-1/AP-8
- AP-636
From which date?
- From October 2023.
- This will be payable at the end of the month, from the 1st of the month following application for the same.
Eligibility for the discount
- Be registered in BIDEGI. To complete and sign the registration agreement.
- Valid driving licence or equivalent document for the vehicle to be linked.
- A copy of the lease agreement if involving a long-term lease.
- Technical sheet of the vehicle to be linked.
- Documentation proving the ownership of a TAG electronic payment device (VIA-T) to link it to the vehicle number plate.
- Be up to date with payment of the infrastructure fee to BIDEGI.
Compliance with the requirements must be maintained throughout the discount period.
Vehicles that can qualify for discounts on the use fee on roads in Gipuzkoa for the private use category for light vehicles (max. authorised weight up to 3,500 kg):



Round Trip Deductions
For all users:
For round trip between two points made on the same day: 0,57€ DISCOUNT on each journey
Below are the payment stations included in this programme: Irun M/O, Irun Barrera, Oiartzun, Orio, Zarautz Este, Zarautz Barrera (*up to the west or closed system), as well as the Irun Ventas station for travel to or from Behobia.
Graduated discount
For all users making at least 6 trips in a month:
- From the 1st to the 8th trip (inclusive), a 25% DISCOUNT will be applied.
- From the 9th to the 20th trip a 55% DISCOUNT will be applied.
- A 75% DISCOUNTwill be apply from the 21st trip onwards.
Monthly spending caps
ABIATU holders +info
- MAXIMUM SPENDING CAP on roads in BIZKAIA and ARABA: €53,43
Roads where applicable
- AP-1/AP-8
- AP-636
From which date?
- From January 2023.
- This will be payable at the end of the month, from the 1st of the month following application for the same.
Eligibility for the discount
- Be registered in BIDEGI. Signature of the ABIATU contract.
- Be registered in one of the towns in Gipuzkoa.
- Be up to date with tax payments in Gipuzkoa and BIDEGI.
- Provide documentation of holding a bank account number (for charges).
- Accredit being the owner of the vehicle, long-term renting and/or main user of the driving licence or similar.
- Light vehicle not related to professional activity.
Compliance with the requirements must be maintained throughout the discount period.
+info ABIATU
- Be registered in BIDEGI. To complete and sign the registration agreement.
- Valid Driving licence for light vehicles not subject to professional activity or equivalent document.
- A copy of the lease agreement if involving a long-term lease.
- Valid National Identity Document or equivalent document.
- Documentation proving the ownership of a TAG electronic payment device (VIA-T) to link it to the vehicle number plate.
- Documentation accrediting being the holder of a bank account for the device for the purpose of paying the corresponding discount amounts.
- Be up to date with payment of the infrastructure fee to BIDEGI.
Compliance with the requirements must be maintained throughout the discount period.