N-I/A-15 (AT Sistema)

What is it

AT Sistema is Gipuzkoa’s pioneer response to EU Directive 199/62/CE for shared maintenance of the N-I and the A-15 between Gipuzkoa Provincial Council and the goods hauliers who use these two high capacity roads.
On passing beneath the gantries and signaling masts, and with no need to stop the vehicle or reduce its speed, the system detects, classifies and charges heavy goods vehicles weighing more than 3,5 tons, either by means of the VIA-T compatible TAG on board the vehicle or by reading its number plate.

Objectives of AT-Sistema:

That the heavy goods vehicles using the N-I and A-15 contribute to their maintenance.
To improve the everyday mobility of the people of Gipuzkoa who use the N-I and the A-15.

How it functions

  1. The system detects the vehicle and classifies it by means of a laser reader. 
  2. Another reader also scans the front number plate at the same time.
  3. If the vehicle has a TAG (Via-T) device, an antenna system will interact with it and automatically identify it. If not, it will be identified by means of the number plate reader.
  4. Based on said data, AT Sistema will proceed to charge the toll with no need to stop the vehicle or for any kind of physical transaction.
  5. Finally, once through the gantry, the system will scan the rear number plate. A double reading to guarantee data consistency.
How does AT Sistema function?

Who it's for

AT Sistema is applicable to haulage vehicles of more than 3.5 tons. 
(*) Given that buses and lorries have a similar volume, to prevent classification errors, it is advisable for buses to registre.
Heavyweight vehicles
Neither light nor passenger carrying vehicles (*) are subject to the toll.
Light vehicles
(*) Given that buses and lorries have a similar volume, to prevent classification errors, it is advisable for buses to registre.
Passenger transport


From January 2023, AT System is implemented on all segments of the A-15 and N-I highways within the province of Gipuzkoa.
Vehicle plate reading points have been implemented on all accesses and exits to these two highways, allowing the calculation of the route for each user.

Registering with AT Sistema

To use AT Sistema users must be registered. Those who are NOT website users must click on “Register” and fill in the requested details.
If you are a website user but have forgotten your password, click on “remind me my password” and it will be sent to your email address.

Toll and method of payment


A price per kilometer (including VAT) is established depending on the vehicle category:
*Between 3,5 and 12 tons
**12 tonnes or more
According to the Foral Budget Standard 2023 of Gipuzkoa, from January 2023 different discount rates apply on the indicated rates depending on:
  • Vehicle EURO emissions class
  • The number of transits carried out

Method of payment

If you have a VIA-T compatible TAG, no registration is required.
If you have TAG, compatible with VIA-T, you don’t have to register. If you don’t have one, you’ll have to register.
If at the time of transit the vehicle does not have a means of payment associated with the AT system (TAG device or credit card) and you have paid the fee with a bank card at the Irun Barrera toll station, this card can be used to collect the fees for transits made on the Gipuzkoa section of the A-15 and N-I roads subject to fees, without having to carry out any additional procedures.

The data collected will be kept for the time strictly necessary to collect the fee pending payment and will not be used for subsequent payments.

If you do not have a compatible VIA-T TAG you will be able to register at our Customer Service Center:

GI-20. 14,800KP
20170 USURBIL (Gipuzkoa)
Tel.: 943 105 106
Monday to Friday

AP-1. Goiauzoa 34 
20570 BERGARA(Gipuzkoa)
Tel.: 943 105 106
Monday to Friday


You can consult the AT Sistema FAQs here.